Sunday, September 2, 2007

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream

Last night Apartment 2H was transformed into an ice cream parlor. My Sunday School class came over for a night of fellowship to kick off our new church year and we decided that the best way to do that was with ice cream sundaes. We had almost anything you could think of for ice cream toppings. We had brownies, cookie dough, strawberries, bananas, hot fudge, caramel, whipped cream, nuts, and sprinkles. Could you get any more fattening than that? It was so much fun. And we put the hot fudge in my cute little fondue pot so I was really excited about that. Of course we could all barely move afterwards but it was worth it. And even though I threatened all of them if they left any of the stuff they brought, I found the rest of the cookie dough in the fridge a little bit ago. So now I have to see how strong my willpower is when I know that a thin refrigerator door is the only thing separating me from that fabulous chocolate chip cookie dough. I'm pretty confident that I'm going down in flames, another victim to the power of indulgence. I haven't been able to spend much time with friends lately so it was really nice to spend an evening catching up on each others' lives, watching football, reminiscing about old times and of course, eating. Not much else is needed in my book for a good time. Basically if ice cream is involved I'm in. Me and ice cream are a good time in my opinion so to share that with friends and football makes it all the better.


Chelle said...

Looks like ya'll had a great time....I miss you and Robbie so much, especially our Friday night dinner dates...
Take care and send my love to your family.

Unknown said...

i love the last picture. innocent? i think not.

ice cream is yummy.

you have more will power than me...the cookie dough would have already been eaten.